The Nippon Meteor Society

The Nippon Meteor Society (NMS)

Japanese Page

Last Update : 01/JAN/2025

The Nippon Meteor society is the society which are orgnaized and manafed by professional scientists and many amateur observers. This society has pourposes which are observation, research and diffusion of meteor astronomy and to cultivate matual friendship.

Access counter: (since Sep.15,1998)
Topics about meteor, fireball and meteorite (26th Jun. updated)
The peak of Quadrantids with ZHR100 was observed on 3rd/4th Jan.
The peak of Geminids with ZHR230 was observed on 14th Dec.
The peak of Leonids with ZHR90 was observed on 20th Nov.
The peak of Perseids with ZHR180 was observed on 13th Aug.

Information of meteor streams
The table and introduction about main meteor streams.

Meteor streams in autumn
Draconids (Max: 8th/9th Oct.) HR=~1
Orionids (Max: 21st/22nd Oct.) HR=~15
Nothern Taurids (Max: 15th Nov.) HR=~3
Southern Taurids (Max: 5th Nov.) HR=~3
Leonids (Max: 17th/18th Nov.) HR=~15

Main Meteor Showers for A Year
Quadrantids (Max: 3rd/4th Jan.)
Perseids (Max: 12th/13th Aug.)
Leonids (Max: 17th/18th Nov.)
Geminids (13th/14th Dec.)

What is "The Nippon Meteor Socity"?
What is "The Nippon Meteor Society"
Information from The Nippon Meteor Society

Research and Observation homepages
Radio Observation: "Radio Meteor Data, JAPAN"
Radio Observation: "Radio Meteor Observation"
Fireball Observation: "The Japanese fireball network"
Photo Observation: "Photos about Meteor and Meteor Train"
Radiant Observation: "Minor Meteor Shower Circular"
TV Observation: "Meteor Science Semminer - Working Group"
Contact us

Other homepages about meteor (Link)

International Meteor Orgnization

Astro classroom for High School Student network

The secretariat: Takuya MARUYAMA, Webmaster: Hiroshi OGAWA
All Rights Reserved Copyright (c) 1998-2025. The Nippon Meteor Society